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Hello! My name is Eli, I'm 23, and I've been cooking since I was 9. I was born with food allergies to dairy, nuts (excluding almonds), eggs, & gluten. Because of the huge strain this put on my diet growing up, cooking really appealed to me when I was first getting into the kitchen, because I discovered the power of freedom I could have with food. The Culinary world is a field of constant innovation, and with my food allergies, I began to grow a desire to become one of its influencers. Today, my food allergies are no longer an obstacle or a burden; they're a challenge that, every day, motivates me to create and experiment in the kitchen. Over the years, I've cooked a lot of allergen friendly dishes and treats which I've shared on my instagram, but now I am here, with my very own recipe blog of tried-and-trusted recipes, to show the world that allergen-free cooking and baking is not only possible, its delicious! 

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