Ditch the processed store bought Marzipan and make your own! Making Marzipan (almond paste) from scratch takes a little more time, but it's worth the extra time! Homemade marzipan is so much fresher. It doesn't have any preservatives, it has far less sugar, and it hasn't been sitting on a shelf or in a box for who knows how long. This simple to make, one bowl recipe is a fun new venture for any kind of baker. Enjoy!
Yields ~1 & 1/2 cups marzipan
Difficulty: Easy
#marzipan #homemademarzipan #madefromscratch #almonds #vegan #dairyfree #eggfree #glutenfree #baking #blending #almondflour

Quick Notes:
This is a 2-part recipe. The first part is making your own almond flour/meal. The second part is the recipe that follows: using the fresh almond flour or meal to make the marzipan. However, You don't need to make your own almond flour! You can totally buy some almond flour or meal to save time, as making your own can take a few hours! I prefer to make my own because it gives my marzipan an even richer taste & I don't mind the extra labor! The marzipan looks more rustic and less professional, but I don't mind that.
How to use Marzipan:
My favorite new way to use marzipan is in cookies! In fact, I recently invented with this recipe for Marzipan Linzer Cookies that are to die for!
Marzipan is also a great substitute for fondant that's been used in its place to cover cakes (Princess Cake is a great example) and to sculpt edible shapes and figures. In many cases, marzipan can add an extra, and very welcome, smooth depth of flavor to your bake.
Here's a photo of one of the first multi-tiered cakes I've made which was Alice in Wonderland themed and used marzipan for many of the sculpted pieces:
Marzipan parts: The pocket watch, The arms, heads, faces, and hearts of the playing cards, & the mushroom stems.
But if you're not into baking cakes or cookies for the marzipan to pair with, eating marzipan on its own is just as tasty! Maybe you've seen molded and colored marzipan at the store? They're often shaped like fruits and packaged in cute little boxes to be eaten!
Related Recipes:
1 1/2 cups homemade almond flour or meal (store-bought works too)
1 cup powdered sugar
~2 tbsps warm water, more if needed
a pinch of salt (optional)
Combine the almond flour/meal, salt, and powder sugar in a bowl.
Add the warm water 1 tbsp at a time, mixing well to combine. If needed, keep adding more tablespoons of warm water after the 2 tbsps until it forms a paste that holds its shape. If you're using almond meal, you want this paste to be a little wetter than you want your desired product to be. The almond meal will soak up some of the extra moisture, so add an extra tablespoon or so of water.
Let the marzipan sit in the fridge for 5-10 minutes, then turn it out onto a surface and kneed a few times. This will just help ensure its well combined and smooth. Your marzipan is now ready to eat! Enjoy!
Feel free to comment below or reach me on Instagram @eats.by.eli if you have any questions, if you have made this recipe, and if so, what you thoughts were! Best wishes!